04. Juli 2024 in Berlin – Präsentiert wird „Literary Value: Artistic, Academic and Critical Practices“ (Literaturevent)

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Date(s) - 04/07/2024
10:15 - 19:30

Literarisches Colloquium Berlin


Literary Value: Artistic, Academic and Critical Practices

Annual Conference of EXC »Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective«

In englischer Sprache.

All events are open to the public and will be held in English. For organizational reasons, we kindly ask you to register: literary-value@temporal-communities.de.

Alle Veranstaltungen sind öffentlich und finden in englischer Sprache statt. Aus organisatorischen Gründen wird um Anmeldung freundlich gebeten: literary-value@temporal-communities.de.

The Annual Conference 2024 of the Cluster of Excellence investigates practices, contexts and agents of literary evaluation. The assignment of value to texts and artworks within the cultural sphere, the academic world and on the global market is deeply entangled with the dynamics of power and gatekeeping, inclusion and exclusion. As such, notions about literature and literary value are subject to continuous explicit or implicit negotiation, challenge and subversion. The three conference sections ›Artistic Practices‹, ›Academic Practices‹ and ›Critical Practices‹ aim to develop a praxeological perspective on the various ways in which literary value is produced and questioned within the respective fields.

Thursday, July 4

10:15–11:45 AM | Keynote
Lily Robert-Foley: »What’s the Dil with Languages? Language Learning and Experimental Translation in the AI Era«
Chair: Anna Luhn

12:00 AM–1:30 PM | Artist Intervention
continent. Experimental Publishing Collective: »Topical Topoi: A Raw Material Picnic«

12:00 AM–1:30 PM | Digital Humanities Workshop
Frank Fischer & Bart Soethaert: »Measuring Public Engagement and the Valuation of Literature on Wikipedia«
To participate in this workshop you will need your own laptop. We also ask that you register separately via l.welz@fu-berlin.de.

2:30–4:00 PM | Keynote
Joseph North: »Does Close Reading Have a Politics?«
Chair: Eva Geulen

4:30–6:30 PM | Panel Discussion
»The Circulation of ›Close Reading‹ – Worldwide?«
With Yvonne Albers, Dustin Breitenwischer, Florian Fuchs & Jasmin Wrobel

6:45–7:30 PM | Performance
Alevtina Kakhidze: »All Good? (Based on Real Events)«
Chair: Susanne Strätling

Eintritt frei

Anmeldung unter: literary-value@temporal-communities.de


Anna Luhn, Susanne Strätling, Jasmin Wrobel

Quelle: Literarisches Colloquium Berlin

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